Family Photo's ~ The Cudney's

>> Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I spent Monday with the Cudney's; Jessica, Jenison, Mason, & Spencer down in Niagara On the Lake. They wanted to do a late present for their parents Christmas gift, so we went down to old town for a few shots. These guys were amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better bunch to work with. I most warn you all too, I had a lot of fun with post processing on a few of these so they are a little more "artsy" than usual. Here are a few shots from the day/night, hope your parents enjoy them.

Rick Denham

Hockey ~ World Junior Championships

>> Sunday, December 28, 2008

Last Tuesday I had the opportunity to shoot some pre-tournament "World Junior" hockey at Copps Coliseum in Hamilton for the HHOF/IIHF. As much as I would love to be up in Ottawa shooting the entire tournament, this will suffice. Anyways, here's a few shots for ya'll to browse at your discretion.

'Go Canada Go'

5D MKII Test ~ Hi-Def Video

>> Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So to add some more info to this discussion, I decided to upload the first video I shot with the 5D. I am by no means a video guy, but I do know how to work a video camera, and let me be very blunt "THIS IS NOT A CAMCORDER". This is simply a camera that can shoot hidef video. If you want to shoot anything that is constantly moving, good luck using manual focus and staying sharp. Having to use the viewfinder to see what you are recording is terrible. Imagine having to shoot video looking like Uncle Bob with his P&S at the last wedding you were at, because believe me that is what you will look like. There are already many add-ons and gadgets to turn this in to a camcorder, but to be honest I would rather drop the $$$$ on a real one that shoots only video. Many people have thought this will revolutionize how multi media is shot with the press, having to use only one camera, but personally I don't think it will cut it (at least not for the big guys). It will take way too much time to set up, focus, and make sure you have the shot. The 5D MKII may cut it for smaller media outlets, wedding photographer, the high end hobbiest or rich uncle Bob, but not for the serious multi media shooter. I uploaded the video I shot, so feel free to check out the Hi-Def version HERE. Please keep in mind, this video is totally unedited, straight from the camera.

5D MKII Test ~ high ISO

>> Sunday, December 14, 2008

OK, so I decided to put the 5D MKII through the ringer with a nice "first shoot" test. What better way to do this than by putting her into the net, that's right, into the netcam it went. I did one quick photo to show you that has had some post processing done to it, so here ya go. Overall I was impressed with the iso sensitivity, this shot was at iso6400 f5.6 1/500th in a dimly lit hockey arena. The noise needed a little tuning in Noise Ninja, but the original file is definately "paper" usable. Stay tuned, more to come in the next few days.

Cheers, Rick

Ft. Erie Slots Christmas Party

>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last weekend we spent Saturday morning at the Ft. Erie Slots Christmas party. Of course me being the Christmas loving fun photographer guy, I brought my camera to take a few snaps. However, as fun as it is to capture the memories from the day, it also gives me the opportunity to mess around with photoshop a bit. Below are a few images that I had some fun with, the rest can be found at HERE.

Cheers, and an early Merry Christmas
Rick, Amy, & Lucas

2008 ADT Canada - Russia Challenge

>> Wednesday, November 26, 2008

OK, so there is snow on the ground, and it is nearing December, which in St. Catharines means two things. One, Wedding season is slowly coming to a halt as we finish up all our albums, and two, hockey season is now in full swing. I figured I would post a few shots from the recent ADT Canada - Russia Challenge (Canada won 3-2), but there will be much more to come over the next few months with game from the OHL, NHL, and World Juniors.

Rick Denham

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