Wedding ~ Jeniffer & Kenneth aka "Keniffer"

>> Monday, July 28, 2008

This past Saturday Joel and I spent all day with one Ms. Jen Elia and one Mr. Kenneth Groves, who merged to finally become the almighty "KENIFFER" (sorry guys I had too). As usual the day was perfect, save a few minutes of rain, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it forced us to move inside to the Fallsview Casino for a few amazing shots. I hope you guys have a safe flight to Africa, and enjoy your honeymoon. Here are a few shots from the day.

I think these were the brides Jen's flowers!

Goin' to the chapel and I'm gonna get married.

The always so beautiful St. Anne's

Mmmmmmmmm! Stretched Hummer.

Is that jump on 3 or 1, 2, 3 then jump?

A few moments alone staying dry.....

.....and sharing some love

This one definitely drew a crowd at the casino.

Is it "love in an elevator" or "love on an escalator", whatever.

D-Fly, oh man!

Again with the kissing.

Club Roma, what a great place for a first dance.

And finally a few delicious goodies to take home,
well not really but it works

Rick D !)

TOP five 4 jUly

>> Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's that time of the month again, yup you guessed it. IT'S TOP 5 TIME. This months list is compiled of some great products, shooters and music. Let's get things started off.

1. Pictage
So happy to be a member. These guys are absolutely fantastic at what they do. My work just became so much more streamlined thanks to them. Oh! and the products they offer, WOW wait till you see the new albums. Keep your eye's peeled for some product sample shots once they get in.

2. The 2008 Niagara Wine Auction
Once again, I had the honor of being the official photographer for this gala event. Unfortunately I did have a wedding on the Saturday so I had my friend Charity Swords cover Saturday's events for me. I did how ever get a chance to stop by Friday and hob nob with some of Niagara's best. Oh and I got to meet Jason Priestly, ya that's right I am such a closet 90210 fan.

3. Boda Bag
Yay, this bag ROCKS and that's all I have to say. i was turned on to this bag by my good friend and fellow shooter Amanda Lachapelle when she second shot for me. Now thanks to her I am the proud owner of a Boda Jr. My assistants are so gonna love me for this purchase.

4. Kid Rock
He is back, and rocking again. His latest release "All Summer Long" is such a typical Kid Rock song, ya gotta love it. Whether he's watchin the D-Wings during their Stanley Cup run or trying to get back in Pam's good book, this guy is truly the All American Bad Ass, and ya gotta love him for it.

5. Jesh de Rox
Words can't say enough about this guy. Simply hit up the link and let his images do the talking. Again, I thank god Jesh lives so far way.

That's it for this months installment, now go enjoy the nice summer weather while you can.

Cheers, Rick

Wedding ~ Alyson & Lawrie

>> Monday, July 21, 2008

Well, again it rained Saturday, but not during pictures so someone was clearly looking out for these two. Alyson and I go way back to high school so it was a treat to shoot her wedding day. She found a great Scotsman in Lawrie, but then again what Scotsman isn't great. We started off at Valvano's Salon & Spa then headed down to Navy Hall in Niagara on the Lake. There is just something about a wedding party getting pictures taken in Old Town with hundreds of people watching. Have a great honeymoon you two, and hopefully we'll see you back on this side of the Atlantic soon.

Rick Denham!

Wedding ~ Tamara & Scott

>> Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I spent Saturday with my ever so faithful assistant Joel in Hamilton & Dundas. We had the absolute pleasure of hanging out with Tamara & Scott all day. These guys were so much fun Joel and I didn't want to leave, unfortunately though we did, but came home with some gorgeous images, enjoy.

Cheers, Ricky D!

E-Session ~ Jennifer & Kenneth

>> Thursday, July 10, 2008

So what do you do for an engagement shoot when you have such great clients, but they got engaged in Hawaii. Well you take them down to the beach and do your best to make it look like Hawaii, that's what you do. Jennifer & Kenneth were great to work worth, if it wasn't for the sun setting so fast, we would have had some great water shots, but ah well. The big day is approaching fast, and I can't wait to get more shots of this gorgeous couple.

Rick D

Wedding ~ Mary Beth & Klass

>> Monday, July 7, 2008

What do you get when you take one part Cabbagetown, one part U of T, and one part Delta Chelsea, one part gorgeous weather, and one part amazing couple. A absolutely fantastic day to shoot a wedding in Toronto, that's what. I also had the honor of having the amazingly talented Amanda Lachapelle second shoot for, so what more could I ask for, maybe no traffic on the way home but what can you do! Mary Beth looked absolutely stunning on her big day, Klass you are a lucky man. These two had so much love for each other, they actually brought me to tears at certain points during the day. I wish the two of you all the best, and remember, If you are ever in Niagara, stop in for a drink at the local 'Duke'

p.s. Leslie, if you read this post, I'm still crying right now! So don't forget to call me when you get married.

Big Calvin & Hobbes fans.

Keep dreamin' Klaas.

Talk about opportunity knockin' when I saw
this sign around the corner from their house.

Best wedding shoes ever!

I swear Mary Beth used to model.

Waiting in anticipation.

The natural Light in this church was to die for.

Same with the light outside.

Again with the whole model thing.

The happy couple.

Rick Denham

E-Session ~ Kate & Brian

>> Thursday, July 3, 2008

Last Sunday I hung out with Kate & Brian in the picturesque town of Queenston. It was a last minute change of venue for Kate & Brian's E-Session, and what a great change it was. As we were shooting Kate told me she actually grew up in Queenston, so this couldn't have been better. Ahh! with the exception of the light rain that decided to show up right near the end of the shoot. Oh well, at least it cooled us all off at the end of a hot day.

Rick :)

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