Wedding & TV ~ Jonny & Judy's Wedding Extravaganza

>> Monday, September 29, 2008

OK, so I really do not know where to start with this one. It was a great day from start to finish. Had not only myself shooting but also my two assistants Joel & Barry. The day started off at Inn on the Twenty in Jordan with the lady's getting ready. We then moved down to Balls Falls For the rest of the day, with the exception of 1 quick little trip (see photos). The crew from Rich Bride, Poor Bride was on hand as well to capture the big day. Anyways, enough of my ramblin', I let the photo's do the talking.

Judy's dress, absolutely stunning.

Getting a little make-up, like she needed it.

Judy's mom helping her with her jewelry.

Then the brides maids decided to have a few mimosas.
Just kidding laddies.

The boys got a quick lesson in how to tie their shoes.

I caught Rev. Bubba getting ready for
the ceremony.

The wedding party, all troopers, came along on a muddy
hike to get this shot, sorry about the "juicy's".

Judy & Jonny looking all so dapper.

Judy 'striking' a pose.

The ladies realizing the true reason Judy married Jonny.

OK, so here was our little trip away from Balls Falls.
The whole remote camera thing, ya'll understand more
when the episode airs in late spring '09.

What a cool cake, I mean it's an Aerosmith album.

The lovely couples first dance, ahhh true love.

The barn at Balls falls, always a great place to shoot.

Logan, rippin it up on the dance floor, you rock lil' buddy.

Judy getting ready for the honeymoon.

Even the guests were ready to rock.

And finally, gorilla's in the mist!

All the best you guys, till the next time we meet
Ricky D!

Wedding ~ Stephanie & Paul

>> Thursday, September 25, 2008

WOW, could we have asked for a better day on Saturday. I think the consensus with every photographer I talked with around here completely agreed. However, along with the weather, I got to head up to Greystone Golf Club which had to be one of the most picturesque settings to shoot. Stephanie and Paul had this place done up to perfection with an outdoor ceremony and gorgeous hall. Here are a few pictures from the day, enjoy.

The boys and I decided to head to Ivey's Pub in Milton.....

....and have a few pints

Then I headed back to greaystone for a few detail shots.

What and fabulous dress.

As I mentioned, the beautiful outdoor ceremony.

After the ceremony we went for a few pictures, and let
nothing get in our way.

We stumbled upon this amazing field with a million wildflowers.

Then Steph decided she wanted to do a little TTD.

It was time to head back to Greystone for some more shots.

Stephanie could tell we needed some
water, we do work hard you know.

And finally, one last shot, I just
love the natural light in this.


A few videos for ya'll

>> Wednesday, September 24, 2008

OK, so first out of the block is Chase Jarvis. Man, I just love watching this guys work, the images he produces are simply amazing. Check out his latest behind the scenes shoot for the Kung Fu HD network.

Now, video two, which is pretty much the birth of a new era in photography. This video was shot on the new Canon 5DII. This Camera is going to make a big splash when it final comes to store. Vincent Laforet, another of my favourite shooters made this short film all on the 5DII. I guess it's going to be time to upgrade soon. Check out the Hi-Def version of the video HERE

2009 BOOKINGS ~ Going Fast

>> Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We are currently only accepting 4 more commissions for 2009. If you plan on booking our services please contact us to set up an appointment.

We have also started to book for 2010, so please don't hesitate to call as again, we will only be accepting 14 commissions for 2010 as well.

Wedding ~ Kate & Brian

Last Saturday, all be it a rainy one, I had a great time hanging out with Kate and Brian. Their wedding day went off without a hitch, again with the exception of the rain. We started off with the boys going for a little sail on Lake Ontario, spent some time with the girls back at Kate's Mom's house, and finally finished the party off at the Pillar & Post.

Spending an hour or two on the lake.

Not exactly the greatest conditions, but we had a great time.

Kate, getting the message to call me!

Kate's gorgeous dress.

The ladies helping Kate get ready.

St. Vincent de Paul in NOTL.

The happily married couple.

Groups shots were tough with the rain, but these guys were troopers.

Trying to stay dry down at the gazebo in NOTL.

Some alone time under the umbrella.

Finally Kate & Brian's first dance.

Rick D.

TV ~ Rich Bride, Poor Bride shoot

>> Tuesday, September 9, 2008

OK, so as I mentioned in earlier posts, last Saturday was going to be my first taping of a spot on Rich Bride, Poor Bride. We headed out to Cortland, Ontario to shoot at GoPHER DUNES. I don't want to spoil the show, so I am not telling you any of the scenario, but if you are smart you may be able to figure it out from the following few pics.

Johny, Bubba & Carolyn (the production coordinator) laughing
at how early it is.

Misty giving directions to all the extra's

Me in action doing my part, shooting some motocross

One of my shots from the day, yes I did actually shoot.

Another shot I grabbed.

Another action shot of yours truly.

finally the last shot I personally grabbed of the riders.

Carolyn again looking oh so happy!

Misty, don't freaking ask!

A shot of us filming.

Me showing off my "wedding" portfolio.

Judy wondering what Heidi and Jonny
have talked her into.

And so it begins.

That's right, roof mounted remote camera, loveliness.

4X4'n in the woods at the Dunes.

Some more 4X4 action.

Jonny was havin' way to much fun, man you owe me one buddy.

Bubba, Judy & Heidi all scared for Jonny's drivin'.

So far so good, the camera and 'stars' made it

Or did they?

Jonny opted for one more mud pit..... stuck.....

.....and had to be towed out.

Finally they are free again.

So a few side notes.
1. Acting is so super weird
2. The shots where I am in the picture were taken by my faithful sidekick Joel Smith
3. Jonny blew a flat in his Jeep and found out the next moring.

Rick D.

PS, as soon as I know I will post when the show will be aired.

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