>> Friday, October 31, 2008

Just a quick post to wish everyone a "Happy Hallow'en"

And yes, this is our pumpkin!


Wedding ~ Amber & Rob

>> Saturday, October 25, 2008

Finally, Amber & Rob got married. This was more than just a wedding for me, as Amy and Lucas were both involved in the big day as well. Amber & Amy went to college together so she stood up as Amber's maid of honor, while Lucas was asked to be the ring bearer. Here are a few pictures from last Saturday.......finally!

Getting the hair done, no make-up, no pictures

A little product endorsement.

Nice shoes.

Good call Rob, your a smart man......

Showin' off the flowers.

All the Ladies, nice legs.

It's Lucas, I had to.

The church was beautiful.

So was the wedding party.

We shot at Shell park in Oakville.

Some quiet time.

The girls being all cool.

The happy couple.

Gorgeous cake.

.....and finally their first dance.

Congratulations you two
Love Rick, Amy & Lucas.

E-Sessions ~ Two of'em even

>> Tuesday, October 21, 2008

OK, so super duper busy weekend. We, as in Amy, Lucas and I were all involved in a wedding over the weekend. I am sure you can guess what my part was, and more to follow on that late. On Sunday how ever I had to engagement sessions to shoot. I am not going to post the usual selection of images right now, but instead just a teaser (I couldn't wait).

Erica & Jason

Sarah & Derek


Top 5ive for September

>> Wednesday, October 15, 2008

OK, so again, yes I know I am a little late with my Top 5, but this ones a good one, so enjoy.

1. Canon 5D MKII ~ This is going to be one crazy camera when I get my hands on it. At first I was a little disappointed with the specs that Canon released, but after further review (hands on that is) this thing ROCKS. If you want to see what it can do, hit up this link .

2. BlackBerry Storm ~ Finally, something to look forward to in the cell phone dept for us Bell users. I had previously mentioned the Samsung Instinct but bell does not consider it a smart phone. Well the Storm is beyond smart, it's freakin' brilliant. With an unofficial release date of sometime in mid November, this is going to be a nice early Christmas present for yours truely.

3. Steve Madden & Robert Graham ~ OK, go ahead and give me the gears, but what can i say, I love to shop. These two designers have been tops on my list for the last little while, and all I can say is I can't wait to show off the new threads in the 2009 wedding season.

4. Kings of Leon ~ Thanks to my loving wife Amy for this one. I had never heard of them before she caught one of their vid's on Much. So she hit up iTunes and next thing ya know, we have a new favourite band. Their recent album release ’Only By The Night’ hit #1 on iTunes Canada, I mean how could it not with songs like sex on fire, use somebody, and crawl.

5. Tanja Lippert ~ Not much to say here, excepy WOW! Check out tje link to see some more than amazing images.

Have a good October, hope you all enjoyed Turkey day, and I can't wait for Hallowe'en.

Cheers, Rick D

Wedding ~ Melissa & Jordan

>> Sunday, October 12, 2008

OK, honestly could you have had better weather than we did on Saturday, in October. Sunny, a few clouds and 20 degrees, I mean come on. It made for an absolutely prefect day to get married, and Melissa & Jordan did. These guys were completely into each other, as well as the photo's. We had a blast touring Welland, I had never shot there before, so I was like a kid in a playground. Thanks guys, you made the day great, here's a few shots to tie you over.

Catching up on celeb gossip at the salon.

Melissa getting her make-up done at Picasso's

They have this amazing barn out back.....

.....So I had to go play with the dress for a while.

Somebody had a thing for gerbera daisies.

After church, it was time to grab a bite to eat.....

.....and have a little fun.

The Court house in Welland was beautiful.

We decided to head down a few alleys.

Melissa needed to cool off a bit.

Time for some more photo's, ahhh the golden hour.

Finally, the first dance.


Touch a Truck

>> Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Well, last Saturday was a nice relaxing day for myself and the family before I gear up for the final round of 2008 weddings. We decided to take Lucas to the "Touch a Truck" show at Niagara College, it was a great day with all proceeds going toward the purchase of books for the Ontario Early Years Centres' literacy program. Here's a few shots from the day.

Lucas & I in the fire truck.

Lucas & Attie Shannon in a cruiser.

Nice little family portrait in front of a dirty tire.

Lucas and I doing the 'celebrity drunk tank' thing

Lucas chillin' in an H2

Mommy & Lucas in a plow.

Lucas is really digging this.

I love this shot.

That's one expensive.....

.....and big tire.

Can you say "Chris Angel"

Rick D.

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