2008 ADT Canada - Russia Challenge

>> Wednesday, November 26, 2008

OK, so there is snow on the ground, and it is nearing December, which in St. Catharines means two things. One, Wedding season is slowly coming to a halt as we finish up all our albums, and two, hockey season is now in full swing. I figured I would post a few shots from the recent ADT Canada - Russia Challenge (Canada won 3-2), but there will be much more to come over the next few months with game from the OHL, NHL, and World Juniors.

Rick Denham

Christmas Came Early

>> Thursday, November 20, 2008

So yesterday when I cam home for lunch I opened my door to a big surprise.

Whatever could this be by my Christmas tree.

There does not seem to be a return address on it, hmmmmmm!

OH! I know what this is.

It's my new canvas prints that I ordered, it must be CRAZY CANVAS time.

So I decided to hang them on my wall and see how they look.

I also decided to take a few shots of my nice cozy home office.

Now all I need is my new Macbook Pro, and I'll be all set.

Cheers, Rick D.

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It's Coming

>> Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Come check out the preview of my new site


E-Session ~ Michelle & Peter

>> Monday, November 17, 2008

I know that Michelle & Peter have been losing their mind waiting to see these. It's been about 3 weeks since the shoot, but I felt like making them wait just a little bit. The three of us (4 including Lola their cute little puppy) headed down Niagara Falls & Queenston to do the e-session. The colors were fab, the sun was perfect, what more could you want.

Cheers, Rick

toP f1ve for October & November

>> Wednesday, November 12, 2008

OK, so third times a charm, and yes, this is my third time being late with this post. I have been extremely busy, trying to get all my albums done for X-mas and it's looking like I will. In the meantime, check out the latest edition of the Top Five

2011 World Juniors ~ Are you kidding me, this is like the biggest news ever. the World Juniors are coming to Buffalo, 20 min's down the road. tickets are going for $800 (lower bowl) for all 17 games at HSBC, and $400 for upper bowl. If I wasn't shooting it, I'd have tickets for sure.

New Macbook Pro ~ What a sleek new design. I was at Mac Outpost just the other day checking these bad boys out, can't wait to get one under the Christmas tree. The great thing about them, Mac has made 24" LED Cinema Displays that connect via magsafe cables. it's as easy as plug and dis-PLAY.

Canon VIXIA HG21 ~ Finally my old JVC HDD camcorder is getting replaced with this new bad boy. Full on hi-def video with CODEC capable of recording 24Mbps. This is going to bring a new (but small) dimension to work.

The Trews ~ Another good old bunch of Canadian Boys rockin' hard. their latest hit "Hold Me in Your Arms" is on constant rotation on my ipod, I think Lucas even knows the words by now.

Chase Jarvis ~ Everybody wants to be somebody, me....I want to be Chase Jarvis. This guys absolutely rocks as a photographer. I have featured a few of videos on her before, but go check out his site, it will amaze you.

Don't forget, Christmas is only 43 days away, so start your shopping soon.


Remembrance Day

>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remembrance Day is a very special day to me. I had both my Grandfather's fight in WWII, and live to tell me stories about it. Both have different beginning's, but similar endings. My one Grandfather flew the sky's with the RCAF, while my other Grandfather fought in the trench's on the front line. Both kept their loved ones in mind the whole time they were in battle, and both were able to come back to them. Along with my Grandfather's I have had a few friends who have fought in recent wars as well, and returned home once their tour of duty was over.

I get asked all the time, "how do you do it, how do you deal with brides on their wedding day". It seems like such a silly question though, when you compare it to "how did you do it, how did you go head to head with someone who's goal was to kill you". It makes you think about our lives, how easy they really are, yet how complicated we tend to make them.

To all the men and women who have served to protect our country and give us our freedom, Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without your services, I would not be able to have such a beautiful life with Amy & Lucas. To Grandpa Lewis, thank you for what you have given me, both my freedom and your stories. To my Grandpa Denham, thank you as well for my freedom, and the stories. To my friends who have served, thank you for having the courage at such a young age to do something that I don't think I would ever be able to do.

So at 11:11am this morning, please take some time out of your day to remember all those who have served to give us our freedom. Lest we forget.

E-Session ~ Sarah & Derek

>> Monday, November 10, 2008

OK, so now for the second part of the teaser from a few weeks ago. I spent the afternoon with Sarah & Derek, man are these two in love. It was all I could do to get a photo of the two of them where they are "not" kissing, but I managed a few. The colors were absolutely gorgeous on the trees, the lighting was brilliant, what more could you ask for.


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