Wedding ~ Brenda & Jeff

>> Saturday, February 28, 2009

I had the pleasure this weekend of seeing the Mother of one of my couples get married. Last summer I shot TJ & Jacquies beautiful wedding out at Hernder's Estate Winery, and was approached by TJ's mother Brenda to do her wedding. Well the big day finally came, and Brenda & Jeff tied the knot at the Marriott in Niagara Falls. As usual, it was a blast as you can see from the last shot. Brenda looked absolutely gorgeous, and Jeff was equally up to task. Can't wait till the rest of the kids tie the knot to spend some more great times with this amazing family.

Rick D.

Hockey ~ Some Recent Action in Black & White

>> Tuesday, February 24, 2009

OK, we see images in black and white in the papers all the time, but rarely do people process them this way. I had done this about three years ago when working for the Hamilton Bulldogs of the AHL, but wanted to do a few more from this season. I had a few extra minutes to fool around the other day so I decided to do some, enjoy

This last one kills me, I was in the trainers room right after one of
our players got caught with a high stick. He ended up with a bloody nose,
broken chicklet & a hole through his lower lip.....ouch


Portraits ~ Mrs. Duff's Daycare

>> Friday, February 13, 2009

WOW!, my first experience actually doing a photo shoot with kids, and what a blast. My little guy Lucas does day care at Mrs. Duff's twice a week, and since Amy and I had this week off, I decided to go spend some time practicing my lighting and portraits with the little ones. It was great, all the kids had a blast posing like models, then making silly faces for the camera. Anyways, here are a few shots from this morning.....enjoy!

Rick D.

Wedding ~ Rebecca & Mark

>> Sunday, February 1, 2009

Well, 2009 is now upon us and our first wedding of the year went of with out a hitch. In fact, this was one of the nicest locations I have had the opportunity to shoot at. I have done receptions at the Pillar & Post before, but never spent an entire day shooting. Rebeca & Mark are from Aurora and spent the weekend down here, so we arrived at 9:30am to spend some time with Rebecca & her gorgeous mother getting their hair and makeup done. After that, it was on to some detail shots throughout the spa, then finally some time with the bride and fabulous groom Mark. The ceremony was later in the day so we opted to get all our shots done prior to it while we stall had amazing light to work with. So without further aideau, here are the first shots of 2009

Rick Denham

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