TV & Wedding ~ Rich Bride, Poor Bride show date

>> Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WOW, I can't believe I am doing this but, this Saturday May 2nd at 12:00pm & 6:00pm The episode of Rich Bride,Poor Bride I was in will be airing on the Slice Network. All I can say is that I suck at acting, and definitely need to stay behind the lens, not in front of it. Tune in if you dare, the show itself will be great as it was an amazing wedding.

Rick D.

Florida ~ Magic Kindom & beyond

OK, so as promised, here are a few of my shots from our time to, at, & from Florida & Disney.

Taking off from Buffalo looking out at Niagara Falls, thank god for Lorazepan.

Me wondering how I talked myself into flying again.

Shingle Creek, amazing hotel 10 mins from Disney, Thanks to Leslie for the room.

Lucas enjoying some time by the pool on our first day.

Early morning sunrise over the head of the everglades as we leave for Disney.

Main St. USA at 7:45 am, have you ever seen it this quiet.

The Man and the Mouse, what it's all about.

Kevin, our amazing guide for the day.

Lucas in awe at Cinderella's Castle as he sees what's in store.

Amy & Grams on "Dumbo the Flying Elephant".

Kevin and Lucas checking out Crystal Palace as we wait for our table.

Lucas' gift from Mickey.

We let him open it when he got up from his nap.

So it was back to Magic Kingdom for the "SpectroMagic" parade & "Wishes" fireworks.

The mouse himself leading the parade.

Lucas watching the parade, he loved every minute of it.

Then came the fireworks, what an amazing display.

Amy & Lucas as we get ready to leave the park.

Sunday was Hollywood Studios, so we went to the "Honey I Shrunk the Kids"

Next it was off to "Lights, Motors, Action" and a little self portrait of the family.

And finally a little chocolate on the way out, doesn't Lucas make it look so good.

Many thanks again to Dan & Kevin from Disney, Leslie from Shingle Creek, my parents, and of course Amy and Lucas for making these 4 days absolutely amazing.


Florida ~ Magic

>> Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ok, so every once in a while opportunity tends to knock, and I have always been told to answer the door at no matter what cost. Well, 10 days ago I got a phone call from my Step Dad Peter asking if I was interested in doing a quick little weekend trip down to Disney World. Well, me being the kind of person I am said HECK YEAH! SO off to the doctors to get some Larazapan(it helps me fly, and if you know me I hate flying) and then hop on an O'l Jet Blue Embraer 190 for a short 2 hour flight south. So anyways we get here and it's beautiful 30 degree weather, some clouds but hey it ain’t home. Today, being Saturday, we decided to go to Disney but were told we had to be there by 7:30. Well me being a Disney geek knew the park wasn't open till 9 so something was up. We pulled up to the Grand Floridian at 7:30 am to be met by Dan, who is the Executive Dir. of sale for Walt Disney resorts & Kim who works for Dan. Dan and Peter do a lot of work together so Dan decided to give us a true Disney experience. He introduced up to Kevin who would be our personal chaperone for the remainder of the lines anywhere. We headed to the park at about 8ish thinking what a great time to get a few shots, which of course I did of an empty Main St and Cinderella's Castle. A few minutes later, we were greeted by Regina, a photographer and she asked all of us to head over there.....when I looked over there I saw Mickey mouse, all by himself waiting for a personal greeting with Lucas. This had to be the coolest experience ever. Much thanks to everyone, Dan, Kim, and especially Regina who did the photos. You can check out Regina's site at the following link

Much love to everyone back home.
Rick, Amy & Lucas

Portraits ~ Lucas Walker Denham

>> Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ahhhhh! Finally some Lucas time. We went the other day to do a photo shoot with the little guy. It's been a while and seeing as I am trying to go in a different direction with my style these days, I figured he would make a great test subject. A lot of photographers these days are using "off camera flash" and it's becoming the style d'jour very quickly. As much as I like it, and believe me I really like it when it is done right, I wanted to start developing a style with the use of the light that is available to me. I will never lose off camera flash because there is so much you can do with it, especially when you know what you are doing, but available light to me captures the moment as it's meant to be. Very "late 70's Polaroid picture-ish on a beach in Florida that is being used as an Abercrombie ad" if that makes any sense. Anyways, here are a few of the shots we ended up with over two days of shooting, hope you enjoy.


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