Wedding Slideshow ~ Michelle & Peter

>> Monday, May 25, 2009

So, at Michelle & Peter's wedding on Saturday I had this great idea to mount a remote camera behind the minister facing the procession. Simple train of thought, everytime I take a picture, my Pocket Wizards trigger the remote. The great thing about this was the church was absolutely gorgeous & it was a full on catholic mass. So 1 full hour and 514 pictures later, with the addition of one kick A$$ song this is what I came up with.

To check out the hi-def version, follow this LINK


Wedding ~ Michelle & Peter

>> Sunday, May 24, 2009

Well, not much I can say about this wedding, except WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The day started early with the laddies at Swank, and I mean early ..... cough ..... 6:00am ..... cough. The rest of the day went off without a hitch. The church was amazing. we stopped at Botanical Gardens for well as pictures, as well as a few other choice locations. Finally back to John Michael's where there was so much food, drinks, and partying one did not know what to do. Hope the two of you have a great time in Aruba, and we'll see you in 10 days.


Wedding ~ Janet & Terry

>> Monday, May 18, 2009

All week long, all we kept hearing was how Saturday was going to be the worst day for weather on the long weekend. Well, with a little luck, some good timing, and the fact that it just plain does not rain when I shoot, the bad weather held off. I started off in the morning with the ladies at the salon while Joel was with the guys down in NOTL. We did the church thing, spent a few minutes at Station #3 out in the west end and then headed over to Rockway Glenn to play with Janet's amazing veil and the wind, then settled in for the rest of the evening. Here are a few shots from the day, hope you enjoy.

I Love this last shot check out the shrapnel coming off Terry.


TV ~ Here's my 3 Minutes of Fame

>> Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So, if you didn't know, I was on TV the other day. If you did not get a chance to catch it, you can see my clip below. Our segment starts about a minute in. Again, I can not act :) enjoy!

OK, so for some reason there is currently no sound, we'll have to get that fixed soon.


Shoooting ~ A few things this past weekend

>> Sunday, May 3, 2009

Well, this weekend was beyond busy, both work & personally. I had to cover the 2009 OHL Priority Selection (Draft) for the Niagara IceDogs, OHL, HHOF & St. Catahrines Standard. I also had a trip to Barrie for my Grandparents 65th anniversary and fired of a few candid photo's, as well as a few portraits I was spontaneously roped into. A few other shoots as well, but they are on the hush hush until further notice. Anyways, here are a few for the Blog, mainly so the family in Barrie can see.

OHL Priority Selection

The setup

Gel'n the wall a bit more

2nd Rounder Dougie Hamilton

5th rounder Joey DeConcilys

Mondays Sports for the Standard

Grandparents 65th


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