It's A Boy

>> Sunday, June 28, 2009

Well, Sunday June 28th at 7:30pm, approximately 4 weeks earlier than expected, my lovely wife Amy gave birth to our second son Max Denham who weighed in at 6lbs 11oz and measured 20" long. We deliberated for 24hrs whether or not we needed to go to the hospital, but Saturday night at Merrittville with Lucas kept us from going in yesterday. So this morning we decided to drop Lucas off with his Nanny and go get checked out. Sure as shooting, we were having a baby. Anyways, as always, here are a few pictures for all our friends and family from all of the world.

My personal favourite, Lucas & Max holding hands for the first time.

Love Rick, Amy, Lucas & Max

E-Session ~ Melanie & Derrick

>> Thursday, June 25, 2009

Number 2 of 5, e-sessions that is. Last weekends weather put us behind a bit, but that's alright because the weather last night in Burlington was brilliant. We met up with Melanie & Derrick downtown at Village Square, then headed off to the lake shore for some more photo's. Finally we ended up at RC's for some ice cream & floats. Talk about fun, and what a great place to shoot. I love new places, thanks so much you guys for bringing us out here, it's definitely gonna be a go to spot for me in the future.

Rick D

E-Session ~ Rebecca & Mario

>> Monday, June 15, 2009

Ahhhhhhh!, back to some engagement photo's. We have 5, that's right FIVE e-sessions over the next 9 days, crazy silly. I need to schedule my stuff better I think. Shoot number 1 was with Rebecca & Mario, and we headed on down to Balls Falls in Jordan. The light was amazing, I think we used flash for maybe 5 shots. We had way too much fun, as you can see from the last few pictures.


News ~ Brock Universities new Photographer

>> Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It was confirmed yesterday that I was awarded the position of one of Brock Universities preferred suppliers of photographic services.

Dear Rick (Rick Denham Photography),

Brock University’s RFP review committee is pleased to inform you that you’ve been selected as a preferred supplier under RFP KSW09-01 for photographic services.

Dean Lorenz
Associate Director, Marketing

I have to admit, I am really excited about this. The proposal took longer than normal because of the amount of photographers that applied for the position. There are officially five of us working for the school, all offering different aspects and styles of photography. I am really looking forward to unleashing some of my creative ideas and providing the school with one of the kind work. I will keep you all updated, more information will be passed on to me on or before July 6th, 2009. I was given the list of the other four photographers I will be working with, and all I can say is I am in with some amazing shooters. Fortunately two of them I have always looked to for mentoring and advice throughout my career and to be working with them is such an honour for me.

Rick Denham

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