Portraits ~ The Matier Family

>> Friday, July 31, 2009

Spent a few hours doing some photo's with the Matier family. Mark, Stacey, Tanner & Jack were great to work with, despite what Stacey thinks. It was great hanging out with you guys, here are a few shots the evening, hopefully you see them before you head back to the Soo.


Off Camera Lighting

I have had a lot of inquiries/emails over the last few weeks about how I am lighting my portraits (mainly the Brock University ones). I have decided to go back and revise all those posts to give info on how the scene was lit. In the future I will make sure to include the info in any work we do with off camera flash.


Brock ~ Carolyn MacTavish

Earlier this week I had one of my last shoots for the first leg of the Brock Faculty of Business assignment. We went back to the location I shot Matt at in the very first shoot to get these cover shots of Carolyn MacTavish for on of the Faculty brochures. Here are my top three from the shoot.

All three of these photos were lit the same way.
Camera right - 580exii at 1/4 in a 24"x24" soft box on a stand about 12"s above models head.
Camera left - 580exii at 1/16 with a 1/4" grid ona stand at eye level

Rick D

E-Session ~ Gina & Glen

>> Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunday night we headed on down to the lovely town of Ft. Erie to do an engagement session with Gina & Glen. Ft. Erie to me is simply a town that I drive through on my way to go shopping state side. I have never really explored it so luckily enough these two let me look around for some cool locations. We found a few, fortunately without doing any B&E's. Here's a few shots from their e-sesh.

Rick D

Wedding ~ Amber & Scott

>> Sunday, July 26, 2009

WOW, my weddings just keep getting better and better. Now before you go thinking I am talking about my work getting better, I'm not. I am referring to the whole wedding day in itself. Great people, lots of old friends, unbelievable locations, very and I mean very little rain, man oh man what a great freaking day. We started off at the salon with the ladies, while Joel hit up the guys while I headed back to the house with the girls. The house was simply gorgeous, amazing location for an outdoor wedding. Mr & Mrs Ellis, I think you should rent that space out on a weekly basis. After that it was off to the formals with a few funky locations, then up to John Michael's to finish off the festivities. Amber & Scott, thanks for letting me share in your day, not only did I have a blast shooting you guys, but also hanging out as a friend for the better part of the day too. So with out further delay, I give to you Amber & Scott's pic's

Rick Denham

Brock ~ Faculty of Business v.3

>> Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finished off the priority shots that the Faculty of Business at Brock needed before stuff goes to publication & wed design. Here are a few shots from some of the portrait sessions we have had over the last few days.

Camera right - 580exii at 1/8th with softbox at eye level
Camera left - 580exii at 1/32nd at floor level pointing straight up

Camera right - 580exii at 1/4th with softbox 12"s above eye level
Behind Client - 580exii at 1/16th 36" off floor for hair light

Camera right - 580exii at 1/4 with softbox approx 30"s above eye level
Camera left/back - 580exii at 1/16 at shoulder height for hair light

Camera left - 580exii at 1/1 with softbox 7ft off ground

Camera left - 580exii at 1/1 with softbox 7ft off ground

Camera right - 580exii at 1/4 with softbox 6ft off ground

Camera left - 580exii at 1/4th with softbox at eye level
Camera right - 580exii at 1/8th on floor pointing straight up for fill

Camera left & right - 580exii at 1/8th pointing straight up for fill

Camera left - 580exii at 1/4th with softbox at eye level
Camera right - 580exii at 1/8th on floor pointing straight up for fill

Camera right - 580exii at 1/4th with softbox at eye level

Camera right - 580exii at 1/4th with softbox at eye level

Camera right - 580exii at 1/4th with softbox at eye level

Rick Denham

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