OK so Jenny, Barry & Myself headed out for a little bit of a bridal shoot. I was hoping to get a bit of an alternative look to these shots and am pretty happy with what turned out.
Jenny struttin' those "beeright red" heels of hers

Wondering what she got herself into

This place was so awesome, a tonne of amazing graffiti to work with

Rock on witcha bad self!
Again, reflecting on how she was coaxed into this location, what a trooper.

After the factory, we headed on down to the beech for a few more classical shots
And for those that wonder how, here's a shot of Barry balancing about 3 feet above the water to hold my backlight. Thankfully he stayed dry as did my gear.
Jen and Barry setting up for a shot. Notice not only the backlight, but also the light on a stick illuminating the bottom of Jen's dress.
On a side note, the bugs at the beach were unbelievable. Jens dress was littered with them by the end of the night, and my truck still has them all over the roof three days later.