Wedding - Sasha & Rosina

>> Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I had the absolute pleasure of spending Sunday with Sasha & Rosina. We had absolutely gorgeous weather for an out side wedding at Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton. Here are a few shot from the big day.
Rosina & Petey
nice shoes
ah, the details

Ok, so Barry (my faithful assistant) caught this shot
on our way to lunch, and has absolutely nothing to do
with the wedding, but I had to show it.
Hmmmmm! I wonder what they're thinking
Rub the Buddha for good luck
The whole gang giving the couple a few moments to themselves
A little quite time in the garden

Last but not least, the beautiful bride

All the best you guys

My Top 5ive List for May

>> Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Welcome to another edition of my top five, enjoy!

1. Buffalo Bandits -
Finally after 12 years, these guys brought the NLL Champions Cup back to Buffalo. Congratulations go out to everyone, but especially local boys Billy Dee Smith, Mark Steenhuis, Danny Sams & Ian Llord (both of who I coached), Sean Greenhalgh who is a good friend of the family, and long time friend and former teammate Pat Mccready. I only wish I was there to shoot it for you guys but unfortunately I had a prior engagement.

2. MGMT -
Ok, so this is definitely #1 on my ipod lately. These guys have a real cool synth rock meets the 80’s retro sound to them.

3. Oakley Hijinx -
I have been searching hi and low for a pair of sunglasses that fit me and thanks to my cousin Brandon I finally found a pair.

4. Asuka Book -
These guys make some incredible albums, well technically I make them, they just put them together. Anyways, these albums are now on the list of items I will be offering, so if you want to step up to a gorgeous high end bound album, this is what you will want.

4. bobbi+mike -
Wow, talk about talented photographers. Bobbi & Mike hail from the Midwest city of Indianapolis. These two shooters have such a creative approach to their work it makes me extremely jealous. Check out there galleries to seem some top notch photos.

Jenny + TTD + revisions = new pics

>> Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So I took a few more minutes out of my day to rework a few shots from the TTD shoot I did with Jenny H two weeks ago. I figured I would post a few more shots for ya'll to browse before wedding season hits. Enjoy!

Cheers, R.D.

85? ... My Nana Lewis is!

>> Sunday, May 18, 2008

So on Sunday Amy, Lucas & Myself headed up to see my moms side of the family in Barrie. We don't make it too often and honestly I wish me made it a lot more than we do, but on Sunday we had great reason as we were celebrating my Nana's 85th (and a 1/2) birthday. The half is there because her real birthday was quite a while ago.

Lucas giving his great Nana Lewis kiss
Most of the gang
Nana & Aunt Bev chatting it up with my cuz Lori
A few decorations
Grandpa Lewis saying a few words
Nana showing off her cake
Nana & Lucas, again
My cuz Jen, having a chuckle with Lucas
Jodi & Atian
Nana & Aunt Bev perusing the presents
Reading some cards
Jodi & Atian again
Atian showing off eating skills
Nana teaching Lucas a few things
Gord & my Grandpa Lewis having a few laughs
Nana chatting it up!
Lucas & his letters

New Digs

>> Thursday, May 15, 2008

So, I found out today I may be getting some new digs, aka a studio. For the locals I am talking about Lybster Mill, for anyone else Lybster Mill has recently begun it's renovation into a new business outlet in South St. Catharines. The building itself has a rich history involving the Welland Canal. So to my studio, well I believe it will be located on the ground floor, with three garage doors for access. Two doors will access the studio, while the third door will access a patio from the studio. The space will be about 40' x 30' giving me approximately 1200 sq ft. I should be in by the end of the summer if all goes well, so keep your fingers crossed. My space will be located where you can see the red garage door in the first photo. Speaking of photos, please ignore the quality, I had to sneak out of work to get them.


Bridal shoot with Jenny H.

>> Wednesday, May 7, 2008

OK so Jenny, Barry & Myself headed out for a little bit of a bridal shoot. I was hoping to get a bit of an alternative look to these shots and am pretty happy with what turned out.

Jenny struttin' those "beeright red" heels of hers

Wondering what she got herself into

This place was so awesome, a tonne of amazing graffiti to work with

Rock on witcha bad self!
Again, reflecting on how she was coaxed into this location, what a trooper.

After the factory, we headed on down to the beech for a few more classical shots
And for those that wonder how, here's a shot of Barry balancing about 3 feet above the water to hold my backlight. Thankfully he stayed dry as did my gear.
Jen and Barry setting up for a shot. Notice not only the backlight, but also the light on a stick illuminating the bottom of Jen's dress.
On a side note, the bugs at the beach were unbelievable. Jens dress was littered with them by the end of the night, and my truck still has them all over the roof three days later.

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