So on Sunday Amy, Lucas & Myself headed up to see my moms side of the family in Barrie. We don't make it too often and honestly I wish me made it a lot more than we do, but on Sunday we had great reason as we were celebrating my Nana's 85th (and a 1/2) birthday. The half is there because her real birthday was quite a while ago.
Lucas giving his great Nana Lewis kiss
Most of the gang
Nana & Aunt Bev chatting it up with my cuz Lori
A few decorations
Grandpa Lewis saying a few words
Nana showing off her cake
Nana & Lucas, again
My cuz Jen, having a chuckle with Lucas
Jodi & Atian
Nana & Aunt Bev perusing the presents
Reading some cards
Jodi & Atian again
Atian showing off eating skills
Nana teaching Lucas a few things
Gord & my Grandpa Lewis having a few laughs
Nana chatting it up!
Lucas & his letters

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